Kharma Exquisites

Now that they have been in production for a while, how do they stack up with the other great speakers?

Showing 2 responses by skytop

It is now 2019.  I have contacted the 3 Kharma distributors in the U.S. and none have any of the Exquisite  speakers.
I have sent two letters directly to Kharma in The Netherlands and have not reserve any response at all.  Very disappointment state of affairs with Kharma since I want to purchase but cannot.
It is now 2019.  I have contacted the 3 Kharma distributors in the U.S. and no have the Exquisite t speakers.
I have sent two letters directly to Kharma in The Netherlands and have not reserve any response at all.  Very disappointment state of affairs with Kharma since I want to purchase but cannot.