Kharma Exquisites

Now that they have been in production for a while, how do they stack up with the other great speakers?

Showing 2 responses by jtinn

Avnut: When I heard the Exquisite 1d's with the Tenor amplifiers driving them, the bass was among the best, if not the best, I have ever heard. Well into the lower 20s. Not only was it deep, but there was incredible texture, speed and detail.

Not to take anything away from Lamm's superb amplifiers, I thought the Tenor's did a better job on them. As a Tenor dealer, I my opinion may seem a bit biased, but I always try to be objective.
Avnut: I spent 5 days in the Tenor / Audio Aero / Jena Labs / Rockport / Machina Dynamica room. I put the room together. We had severe problems the first few days due to construction problems and could not even setup the speakers properly until Thursday morning. Our room was the last to be finished on that floor. The show opened officially Tuesday at 10 AM and we still had construction going on until noon that day. It was not until Thursday morning that we actually acheived what I, and many others, thought was the best sound at the show. There was such a lack of fatigue and the musicality was quite good. Many people thought that due to the Tenor / Audio Aero / Jena Labs combination with the Hyperion's made a huge difference over the previous CES.

I loved the resolution and transparency in the Kharma room, but I tell you the sound was not even close to Mike Lavigne's room with his Tenor / Kharma combination. I thought the Kharma's lacked a little body at the show and I hear glorious body in Michael's system. If you heard it the way I have, you would realize the Kharma's were not near their potential at the show.