Kharma CRM 3.2F

Have ny of you heard this very expensive two-way speaker. It features the same drivers (high and mid range) and crossover components as the Exquisite.

Showing 1 response by sattothestars

No doubt Kharmas a great speakers and every model I have listened to have impressed me.When we get into these prices there are quite a few notable mentions.Another superb one is the Lumen Whites(Whitlelites,Whiteflames)(*yes I am dealer for them).They also use Ceramic drivers(even for the woofers) and to me surpass the Kharmas.The technology used is rather radical(no stuffing,based purely on the shape of the cabinet to eliminate resonances)but I can tell you it works flawlessly.They were at CES last year,with limited gear,their own amps primarily,but those who heard the room were very impressed.This year they will be all over Hoviland,Ayon,Mastersound ect. and other big names.Something that you should consider listening to.Right up ther among the best of the