Kharma CRM 3.2F

Have ny of you heard this very expensive two-way speaker. It features the same drivers (high and mid range) and crossover components as the Exquisite.

Showing 1 response by boxer

I recently traded in my JM Lab Utopias for the Kharma's. Needless to say, I absolutely loved the Utopias, however, as I was downsizing my home, I needed a smaller speaker. I was amazed to hear, that with the exception of the bass, the Kharma actually is more extended, more neutral, frankly more musical that the Utopia. They are inch for inch the best speaker I have heard. I would suggest that the Kharma's are clearly optimized by Lamm electronics and Kharma or Purist Audio cables. And as someone else asked, the Kharma interconnects are, to my ears, the absolute best, if you can bring yourself to pay the price.