Kharma 3.2 Owners, your thoughts...

I currently own a pair of the Kharma 3.2 Enigma Reference Speakers and after playing them for over 600 hours, they still sound etched and non-organic sounding. I also have new Kharma Grand-reference speaker cables with over 300 hours in them.
My amps are Lamm ML2, 2 years old.
Will these babies ever sing?

Showing 5 responses by henry_10023

My room, 12 X 18, speakers 5 feet apart, TV above Amps.
| Source TV |
| Equip Spkr Amps Spkr |
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| | | | | | |CHAIR C O U C H | |_________________________________ |
My other components are as follows:
Conrad Johnson Premier-16 Series-2 Preamp
Lamm LP2 Phono Preamp
Basis 2001 Turntable with Grahm 2.2 Arm and Ruby 2 Cartridge
Rega Jupiter Cd Player
Dedicated Lines, P300 Power conditioner on source equipment
Interconnects: Synergistic Looking Glass
Thanks for your suggestions, much appreiciated.
...Last night I put on the speaker grills. That seemed to soften up the sound a bit.

...I will definitely remove the sources from the P300. Any recommendations on what I should plug the Preamp, Phono Preamp and CD Player into. I only have 2 dedicated outlets for the source equipment. Will I still need power conditioning for the source eqpmnt with them going into a dedicated outlet?

...What should I do for surge protection? Sorry to ask these basic questions but I guess with my system at a higher level than I'm used to, I need to re-investigate my components.

...In terms of all Lamm equipment, I realy love being able to use the remote volume control which Lamm does not provide. Would it be plausable to use the Lamm L2 with the placette volume control?

...The room is 12 x 18 and the speakers are on the 18 foot wall, 3 feet out and 5 feet apart.
I have just ordered some Siemens 6922 tubes for the Conrad Johnson Preamp. I have been told that the sound of these tubes are vastly superior to the current Sovtek tubes and that part of the issue I'm having with the sound being a bit etched can be directly attributed to the Sovteks which have that reputation. I'm hoping that with a tube change and an eventual interconnect update that my problem will be solved. I will respond on the sound difference the tubes will make when they arrive in about a week.
I have recently changed my tubes in the preamp from Sovtek to Siemens (NOS). The difference was not subtle. A lot of the etched sound which I complained about earlier was erased and replaced by a more rounded and earthier quality. I had heard that tube rolling could be a rewarding tweak but I was not prepared for the dramatic changes which it brought to my system. I guess it goes without saying but these speakers really reveal all of the problems in a system and a recording. I suppose that the Kharma 3.2's combined with the Lamm ML2's could be thought of as scientific instruments to be used to test weaknesses elsewhere in the chain. I still have some brightness on certain (supposedly excellent recordings) and additional research will have to be spent on finding these flaws. I suspect that room treatments will provide additional benefits.