Kef R series or Tannoy Revolution Series?

Hello folks!
In my never ending search for the perfect sound, given my limited budget...

Currently I am using a pair of Paradigm Monitors I bought in the late eighties and shockingly they still sound great to me but am in the "upgrade itis" situation, amp is the Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated. 

I am considering 2 speakers, the Kef Q 750 and the Tannoy Revolution XT 6F.
Can anyioe advise, have you heard both? 
I understand that the Kefs are the absolute entree level, but with 2 kids in college, that's the budget boys and girls!

Let me know what you all think please!

Showing 1 response by rockeymarkb

I do not have any experience with Tannoys;  I recently bought KEF R-500s for $1800 (NOS) from a dealer.  Audiotroy has a good point and at 42% off is a nice deal.
I would agree that the R-500 does not have tremendous bass but what the salesman suggested to me was to not drive them with inexpensive amps because you will get less bass than if you drive them with good electronics.
I have a Marantz PM/SA 6005 stack and also a Primare I-22 and CD-22 stack and I can confirm the Primares produces much more bass than my entry level Marantz stack.
A case where a knowledgeable salesman/dealer added significant value with his system matching expertise.
Hope this helps.