KEF, ProAc, Monitor Audio and others

I've been busy listening to speakers in the 10-15,000 price range and even convinced my wife to join me (not an easy job).  Recently, I've heard the Vandersteen
Treo CT, ProAc D48r,KEF Reference 3, Monitor Audio PL300ii (briefly), Vienna Acoustics Liszt and several others.  I appreciate all the suggestions on this board.  

Some observations: I liked the Vandersteen but would love to consider one of their higher end models.  However, as I posted before, the local dealer doesn't carry those models and the nearest dealer who does is several hundred miles away.  Also, the necessity of electricity for the higher models is problematic for me. I really like the soundstage, imaging and musicality of the KEF Reference 3.  Would like to hear the KEF Reference 5, even though it would stretch my price range, but can't find it at any local dealer.  Some say the 3 is actually better so they don't carry the 5. Didn't like the Liszt compared to the KEF. Plan to hear the Monitor Audio again since I was impressed during a brief listening. Also, I've been told that Revel-- and possibly others--will introduce new models in January at the CES.  Right now, the KEF 3 is at the top of my list and my wife reached the same conclusion.  May wait until January to see what's announced at the CES.  

Showing 2 responses by stebrn

Sorry but I don't understand the comments about 2D vs. 3D.  I am not a techie--just a music lover who is trying to decide which speakers to buy for my two channel system.  I don't even know what 3D audio is and I'm not planning to change my system other than the speakers.  I just want natural sounding speakers with a realistic sound stage, great imaging, decent bass,the ability to hear and pinpoint solo instruments in classical music and to hear the breadth and width and depth of an entire orchestra as if you are in the concert hall. 

My current short list is the KEF Reference 3, Monitor Audio PL300ii, and Paradigm Persona 3 and 5.  Haven't yet heard the 5 but will do so later this week.  There are so many others and I appreciate the suggestions  but I've ruled some out either because I didn't like them as well or because they're not available for audition in my area.  

I've reached the point where I have 3 or 4 good choices, I don't want to drag this on forever and it's a matter of deciding which I like the best.  I'll see how I like the Paradigm Persona 5 and whether it's really worth 70% more than the 3.  I may take the Monitor Audio dealer up on his offer to deliver the floor model to my house and let me listen for a week but I don't think it's fair to do this if I am more interested in another speaker.  Also, I may take another listen to the KEFS.  It will depend on whether I like the Paradigms enough to make a decision or whether it's still a tough call and I need to revisit the others.  I'm also wondering whether, with the CES a month away, I should wait to see if there are any new announcements. Thanks everyone for your help!
Also, bo1972, what electronics do you need to get your 3D?  I have an Audio Research VT 130SE amp and LS22 pre amp.  Do you have any idea whether  the Monitor Audio PL300ii produce that effect with my equipment (or does the room and speaker placement make the difference)?
As Schubert said, what other speakers would you suggest?  My price range is up to around $15,000 (although I'm going to hear the Paradigm Persona 5 this week and that's a little more).