KEF LS50... The ultimate anal-ytical speaker for living rooms?

I am looking for a VERY revealing with razor-sharp imaging type of bookshelf,  but not the cost of TOTAL loss of musicality.... In other words, not necessarily full range, but at least balanced - not something that starts to roll-off at 200hz... They would be listened to mid-field, 6-7ft away in a somewhat open space.  Could it be the ls50, or is there anything else around their price-point? Thx for suggestions...

Showing 1 response by skanda

RAIDHO RAIDHO RAIDHO! seriously, the x1/xt1/c1.1/d1.1 would all be killer. i use a c1.1 in my living room.

yes, i have a dealer affiliation. yes, you can see that i post about them alot - but notice that there is almost no other piece of gear i post about as much. i'm a sucker for these speakers :)