I commented in another section of the form. Compared to my old ls50, the meta’s are clearer, and seem to have a wider soundstage. Before breakin, I had to turn the metas up louder  than the old 50’s. However the meta’s play louder then my old 50’s at the same volume level. Bass is cleaner and blends with my sub better. The first thing I notice on first playing the metas was the transparency. I hear things is some recordings that I did not know insisted. It good to point out , that the transparency does not come from brightness. I am using mine with a pass lab integrated so my metas have a nice warm midrange. This was true with my old ls50 but now everything is much clearer. 
I have my Metas with a Purifi amp. Detail is amazing. These can do a real disappearing act, but with a good sub or two they are truly amazing speakers. It’ll be interesting to see how they compare with the B&W 705s, Elac Vela 403, and the Monitor Gold 100s. I think at $1500 these are quite the bargain. 
The KEF dealer here is a rather low end store that mainly caters to home theater. The store doesn't have dedicated audio rooms so its a waste of time to try listening to anything in the store because of the ambient noise.

I have a pair of B&W CM5 S2 that are bright enough that I feel fatigue if I listen for an extended period of time.  Please will someone tell me what is the overall character of the LS50?  If I am looking for a speaker that isn't quite so bright is the LS50 something I should consider?

I use my non-meta LS50's with very neutral gear and have zero fatigue. I listen a lot of hours while I work.

The speakers will go into storage on Saturday to move in my new speakers, but I will never sell them, just love them.