Kef Blades (1), being auditioned...please share your experience.

I am auditioning the Blades in my home. Aside from placement issues, I find a consistent anomaly in the low mid band frequencies and upper base frequencies. It is most recognizable in male vocals, for example, Gregory Porter. There is a crossover point where the voicing goes from warmish to just a bit thin with "edgy" overtones. Female vocals are stunning. Does anyone have any insight/experience that might help. This is consistent with CD, server, and vinyl sources.  It is also consistent with most male voices.  Your feedback is most welcome.

Showing 1 response by mijostyn

Hi Jay, I like the Blades very much. I suspect your anomaly lies in your room acoustics. Room control or proper treatment would take care of it. You might also move the speaker closer to the wall but you have to deaden your first reflection points. Most people auditioning loudspeakers do not do the full Monty in acoustic management because they still do not know if these are the speakers for them.