Kef Blade to Blade meta?

I've gone as far as reaching out to KEF directly to find a pair to demo, unfortunately their choice of retailer, best buy, doesn't hire the most savvy sales rep's so the list of stores that the KEF rep told me had the meta's was incorrect and I haven't been able to find a pair to listen to. I'm not even sure what I'd like improved in the meta's, If anyone can describe the differences they hear in the blade meta's and what listening conditions were at the time I'd appreciate it. tia

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I resolved this detail sensation you guys are describing with other gear... NOT changing the speakers themselves.

I made a bunch of tweaks, suspended them on townshend isolation, and matched them up with silver speaker cables from stealth audio

The cables swap from copper to silver made the biggest difference of all.

I never ask for more detail now. Very satisfied

james633, yyz, Thanks for the well wishes I've always found kef speakers to have lots of detail, but not the micro detail that others manage so well. I did wonder if the new meta tweeter addressed it. audiojacks, i'm starting to think either will be the kef house sound. questforhifi, I haven't heard enough from cables i'm willing to pay for to think the whole of my system is dialed in enough yet. i'll keep cables in mind

Coming up for air. Am I allowed to plug a local hifi shop? I had an appt to listen to the latest Epikore to land in the USA the day after my crash. Several days later I sent a text to let them know why I missed the appt and the shop owner I was talking to wanted to bring me a system from their shop so I'd have music while I was confined to a couch in the living room. I declined the offer, but they should get a shout out SS in Palatine, thank you.