KEF Blade 2 as replacement for Reference 107/2

A former owner of KEF Reference 107/2s posted that he moved to Blades, and that it is the obvious progression. I really love the sound of my 107/2s, and John Atkinson and Tom Norton raved about them in their reviews a few decades ago, but I'm wondering if it's time to move on. I haven't heard either the Blade or Blade 2s. Anyone had the opportunity to compare 107/2s with Blade 2s? I've had a lot of opportunity to compare the sound of the 107/2s with LS50s supplemented by Velodyne HGS-10 subs. The LS50s are amazing speakers, but not quite 107/2s, especially for large orchestrations.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd

yyzsantabarbara -- I'll take you up on that offer.

I never actually tried the R107/2s with the Ayre setup, because I had had a poor experience inserting a Bryston high-pass filter between the preamp and amp, and I was admonished not to put anything between them because of the zero-negative feedback used in Ayre designs.  R107/2s rely on the KUBE.


I also never compared the R107/2s with the R1s except with a length time gap.  Anyone do a closer comparison and if so what are your thoughts.



I went through an extensive restoration on a 107/2 in rosewood. I found a Kube, recapped everything, built a power supply, serviced the drivers. I’m using old Mitsubishi seperates with them for a spell. Their remarkable. Never sell. No matter what system drives them, there beautiful.