KEF 107 - opinions please

I managed to miss thes econd pair of KEF 107. These were rosewood, with manuals, KUBE etc. While I was contemplating they were sold.
Now I do have a few nice vintage speakers (ADS 1290 and 1530, Thiel CS 3.5, Alon Capri) but always wanted to get these 107s. Unfortunately never had the pleasure to listen to these. Red the rave reviews though.
Are these worth pursuing consiering the set of speakers I alreday have? Woul it be better to say get Vandy 2CE signature or even 3A signature instead?
I know that opinions will vary, but hopefully someone had a chance to comaper the 107 to one or more of the speakers I listed. Any insight/suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
I do know that they need power. I have an older CJ MF 2200 (200wpc) which could do the trick.

Showing 1 response by bjue

I currently own both the 107.2's and 105.3's and much prefer the 105.3's. The 105.3's have newer technology drivers, tweeters, and crossovers. They are 4 way and have a lot more detail in the highs, mids, and midbass with a punchier low end. The 107.2's use the old T-33 tweeters which sound harsh and edgy in comparison. Also the 107.2's lack mid bass since it only has 1 5 1/4 mid driver compared to 3 6 1/2" mid drivers of the 105.3's. Imageing is good on 107.2s but better on 105.3's. 107.2's have lower low end but is rather loose and bloomy. I am only keeping my 107.2's for nostalgia sakes and since they look nice, I don't listen to them. If you want to stay with Kef, I'd go with 105.3's or a pair of Model 3's or above. You can see my speakers in my virtual system.