Keeping an IC broken-in…is this a good idea?

Hi Goners,  

To keep an extra unused interconnect cable broken-in, so that when needed it is at its best performance, my plan is to connect it to the TapeOut of the preamp and back to an unused Input on the same preamp.

Will this work?  Do you see any negative effects of doing this?   Could it affect the overall sound from the pre?

What do you folks think? Good idea or not.



Showing 2 responses by audio2design

@onhwy61 ,

I must say I fully appreciate the respectful, yet obviously sarcastic calling out of B--S--.

Does liquid metal have resistance? Yes (quite a bit actually)

Does liquid metal constructed into a cable have capacitance? Yes

Does liquid metal constructed into a cable have inductance? Yes

Does liquid metal constructed into a cable have characteristic impedance? Yes

Does liquid metal experience skin effect? Yes

Do band-gaps of metallic semiconductors stay similar from solid to liquid state indicating similar quantum properties? Yes

Does the atomic bonding structure of room temperature liquid metal alloys improve as it relates to conductivity, whereas for some metal (copper, silver), it is already optimal in the solid state? Yes

Yes, please enlighten us.

I think that is the intention, but not to befuddle you, but the potential buyer.

In most metals, there is a significant drop in conductivity in the liquid state as the atomic lattice is no longer ideal for conduction. Significant being a 50% drop. In some metals, those that are typically poor conductors, they conductivity goes up in the liquid state.  Some of them are liquid at room temperature.