Keep B&W 802 S2 or Buy Thiel CS5i??

Okay, I've been focused on my system for the last couple of months, trying different combo's and pieces to see what type of improvements could be had.  I have a Threshold S500/II, newly purchased Parasound P5, and B&W 802 S2s (with Anodyne bass filter).  The system has never sounded this good.  A Krell KAV-250P preamp didn't make the cut, nor did a pair of B&W 801 S2s. 

I keep thinking about trying different speakers and I found a pair of Thiel CS5i at a very reasonable price.  They are too far away to audition so I would be buying them without any info except for an old Stereophile review of the the CS5 (which isn't their most glowing review), an excerpt from the Absolute Sound review of the CS5 that said it was one of the best speakers made to date, and some other opinions.

Does anyone have experience with both speakers that has advice to offer?   The Thiels are 200 lb beasts and would not be the easiest speaker to lug into my basement.   My room is 17' d x 16' w x 7' ceilngs, one side of the room has an open alcove that is about 9x8.  My listening position would be approximately 11' from the speakers.



I use the same Threshold S 500 II, and I'm not sure it's quite enough for the CS 5's to really perform to their capabilities.
"One of my all time favorite speakers!...., but they are extremely demanding of appropriate amplification, and space. Tread carefully."

Unsound, those seem to be the 2 key points I've seen online. Based on specs it looks like my amp is up to the job- being capable of driving loads down to 1 ohm.   My room gives me pause. The 801s at times seemed to overload the room, but honestly, the bass sometimes was out of control and I think it was the speaker and not the room, at least some of the time. 

If the the speakers weren't so big and expensive to ship I'd be more inclined to try them.  On the other hand these don't hit the market that often. 

One of my all time favorite speakers!...., but they are extremely demanding of appropriate amplification, and space. Tread carefully.