Kanye West - Grammy comment, re Beck

Kanye West on-camera last nite: 'Beck needs to respect artistry.' Then a long rant about...ah just watch it.

What would Kanye say about Beethoven? Or Dylan? or Matisse?

Having fun with this as Twitter is aflame already with it. But the more I think about it, the more it gnaws on me. He was referring to Beck winning Album of the Year (instead of Beyonce). I could go on a long rant myself about his ego, general creepiness, but nothing I could add. But his comments are heard by millions of music fans...

Anyhoo, anyone else see those comments? Reactions?

Showing 10 responses by mapman

BTW, I was shocked that Beck won that one. i have not heard that particular album yet but have other older BEck albums. Like his music or not, and I am somewhat ambivalent still on the matter, one cannot deny that he is one of the few these days still carrying the banner of artistry in rock/pop music. Muse is another. Plus the sound quality of everything I have heard by him alone should put a smile on most audiophile faces. His win was a victory for a lot of folks on this site I think.

Having said that I liked the tone overall of the Grammys this year. There appeared to be some effort to inject more class than usual. There were many nice performances and some meaningful subject material. I was happy to see Tony Bennett and the current incarnation of Lady Gaga for example.

BEyonce also did a very nice job at the end. No doubt the talent is there amongst all the rest!
I would not give anyone who pulls stunts like that too much credit. I'd yank the awards he won just for being a self indulgent horses arse and having poor taste in women accordingly.
The pointthere appears to be a higher res 24 /96 file was resampled from a lower resolution CD quality one. I'm sure that happens all the time in order to sell high res files. Says nothing about the original CD res file used as the source. Its the lineage of the data that matters, not teh final format. In most cases, the consumer knows little or nothing about that. When it is made known, then one can be more certain about what you are getting. I would not buy any high res material without something that specified the lineage of the source.
"The media that glorify individuals like Kanye West need a reality check. "

Their reality is they need to sell things. Plain and simple. It ain't going to change.

What can change is what people buy into. But it probably won't on a large scale. So best to just ignore the bad and focus more on the good of which there is plenty both old and new. More so than ever. Its the best time ever for people who are interested in music. I think I might even have one or two Kanye tune downloads that are harmless enough. The guy is a monye grabbing attention seeking media whore horses arse though it would seem. HE and his wife might just be the perfect pairing in that regard! Someone for everyone or so they say....
"But the good music is not as easy to find as it was in the past."

The only reason for that I can think of is that there is more than ever and continues to become more diverse.
ITs crazy to compare BEck and Beyonce much less put them in teh same category in teh first place and then have one win over teh other. Its apples/oranges. So it is what it is..win some loose some. Tell Kanye that!!!
The flip side of the story is that wea are a much more diverse country these days and putting Beyonce and Beck in teh same category for any award shows how clueless the US music industry is in terms of how to deal with it effectively. Someone needs to go back to the drawing room for a reboot in order to sort through things a little better.
Yes, it would appear that most here do not think highly of him as a person in general. For me its based solely on his behavior. I have no issues with his talent. He obviously has some or would not be where he is.

As does his wife although they have nothing to do with music or the arts. In her case, I do not value them much at all and I find the behavior of both in general to be classless and largely reprehensible.

I have a download of Kanye's tune "Stronger". Its catchy enough and nicely produced. The lyrics are undeniably lewd and suggestive. Much like a lot of pop rock music over the years. So it is what it is and take it for that.
HE can do whatever he wants. Just don't expect people to approve. I doubt he really cares though. I don't really either that much. Its just a discussion. Anyone can say or do whatever they want within teh limits of the law. Its a free country.