Kanta 3 or Sopra 2

Quick question kanta 3 paired with devialet expert 200 or sopra 2 paired with ps audio m700? Room is 4m by 14m.
The thing is though what I am looking for is the imaging, I'm actually already satisfied with its soundstage. For some reason, I still miss the 3d sound that the revel studio 2 produces.
No, I use a highly modified Carver TFM 45 & PS Audio BHK tube pre.  Makes a great sound stage. Lots of air.  I can't speak highly enough of the Kantas.
@fertguy are you using m700? Because if ever I take the ps audio I'd be using an onkyo rz3100 as a preamp.
@jjss49  I've actually seen it already, I was just just curious if the Kanta 3 would be better since it has what I think a better amp.
thomas and stereo on youtube

if you haven’t seen it already

focal expert and fanboy - lotta info there