Kanazawa speaker. Who has any experience with these?

I have found a large cabinet set of these on FB for $100. My first thought was "can't be anything special"
The gentleman does not have a model number and all I can tell by photos is that they appear to be quite clean. A quick Google search yielded very little. Less than anything I have ever searched for. 
One of only two conversations mentioned Coral speakers, birch cabinets witch brass screws hidden with putty and fancy badging. These appear to match all those descriptions. 
Always being curious about odd ball/unknown companies and systems these have my interest. 
Can anyone be of any help with information on these?
Never heard of them there are a couple for sale on eBay. There is an old post on USAudiomart shows the drivers. Coral tweeters and says Kanazawa on woofer and mid. 

Heard of them in passing reference. Probably online in a forum somewhere. Have never or heard them. There's a lot of very small batch, obscure Japanese audio gear that never made to the states. Try some Japanese audio forums. Google Translator is your friend.