JVC TT-101 Won't Stop

The Stop button on my recently purchased QL-10 doesn't work. It worked at first after the TT warmed up, but then quit completely. I since have replaced all 37 electrolytic caps on 3 boards, but it made no difference. The power voltages are correct. The button itself is fine and shorts pins 6 and 9 of the P8 connector on the main board, but the motor doesn't stop. What could be wrong? Any particular transistor or adjustment? Please help! -Alex
Have you downloaded the Sevice Manual from Vinyl Engine?
It is comprehensive....and has a trouble-shooting guide.
Safesphere, You seem to be a fairly competent trouble-shooter, just based on what you've already done. When I first saw your post, I thought right away you must have a problem with the switch. I am told they are prone to malfunction mechanically. But if you're sure the main power switch is OK, you might look at any of the other switches on the panel. They may be wired such that any one of them can cause the failure mode you are experiencing. Think of it this way… at least your TT101 runs. Are there any other faults in its function? Because you seem to know how the switch is wired, I assume you already have downloaded the Service Manual, as Halcro correctly suggests.
Yes I have the service manual, thank you. All other switches work fine. The only other potential issue with functioning is that, when the TT starts, it first overspins and then comes down to 33.33. On startup the first measurement after zero is higher than 33.33. It is inconsistent. Usually it is between 34 and 45, one time I saw over 70. Even when it is 34 I still see the platter spinning faster, but slowing down before the digits appear. The next number is usually 33.33 or slightly higher, the following one is always 33.33. This effect is less noticeable at 45. I also hear some motor noise on startup only that is clearly related to overspinning. I have access to another copy of TT-101 that does not show this behavior. I can try measuring transistor voltages, although it is physically challenging with the platter mounted. I don't have an oscilloscope other than through the PC sound card. Where can I get a good one at low cost? Thanks!
Unfortunately, the TT101 is very complex. Mine has nearly driven me nuts until I stopped fretting about it (because I realize that I also own 4 other great turntables that perform flawlessly, and it is of little consequence to me if my TT101 is a pain in the ass). Any of the hundreds of solder joints can have gone bad over the 30 or more years since they were built. Re-soldering suspect joints is a place to start. Another occult source of problems is those beige-colored multi-pin connectors. inside those connectors one may have a cracked wire or bad solder joint that is not accessible for inspection. I am about to ditch one of them and just directly solder the wires to the pins in hopes of curing a very elusive intermittent issue I have with mine. I was able to determine that tugging on the harness that goes to that connector can induce the failure mode I am trying to cure.