Just sold my Dynavector XV-1s

Sold my XV-1s to a Audiogon member with no feedback. He emailed me that he had only one channel working. It worked perfectly when I removed it and put it back in the original packing to send. I told him to reverse the cables from his T.T. to phono pre and see if the other channel worked. If the same channel still worked he had a problem with his T.T. Any other ideas...

Showing 2 responses by audiofeil

If you have any doubts, the importer could verify. He's a great guy.

BTW, dropping the cartridge could damage the internals without showing anything on the body. Not saying this is the case but it worked before you shipped.
>>My worry is he will subsitute a none working XV-1s for my nm cart.<<

Check the serial number is correct before issuing a refund.