Just sharing my excitement

Johnny R was over today to finalize placement of my Sig 2 CEs in my new home. I thought I had them dialed in pretty good but they sound even better now. No surprise. 

Thats not why I’m excited though. I’m excited because I gave him the deposit for my new Quatro CTs and codex!! My Ax-7e will be going to Ayre to get the high pass filter installed in a week or so. Speakers to arrive in 3-4 weeks.


Showing 2 responses by tomic601

you might be first person running Quattro on the new generation Ayre....what synergy and probably the last gear Charlie had any hand in...miss that genius....but he put together a great team....they will do nothing but push legacy higher !!!!
freaking fantastic! I have heard Coda into ARC into Quattro CT at Randys in Santa Monica. Johnny will get your powered bass dialed in and man are you in for a treat w 11 bands of analog EQ.....ya man, excited aint the word...magnetic levitation comes to mind.
As I am sure you know Pete aka @ctsooner is running the Ayre integrated modified by factory for high pass and Quattros also !!!!
love it