Just received the Double Impacts (upgraded version)

Current system:
Canary Audio C630 Tube Preamp
Canary Audio CA-301AE 23 watt push/pull 300B tube amp
B&W 683 (previous version, not S2)
Pro-Ject debut carbon
Jolida JD9 II (with upgrades caps) phono pre
Kimber cable standard speaker wire

When the DI’s arrived, I already had an idea of the impact they were probably going to make (no pun). I felt the Sensitivity rating of 98db would play well with the extremely pure sound of the Canary 300B.

I have read countless posts about the DI’s and given more thought and consideration of all the facts to make a purchase that I thought was “as informed as possible” and a great fit for my system.

I have only logged about 45 minutes of listening and have been completely blown away. The detail that these speakers introduce, coupled with the imaging and liquid midrange is better than I imagined by a wide margin. The decibals I gain in sensitivity along with the “aliveness” and “organic” sound they put out was simply amazing.

The bass comparison versus the B&W’s is not even fair.  DI’s Full “floor shaking” bass that is always in control and never bloated.

I’ll sum this up and keep it short, spare you the tracks I listened to, save “Strangest Thing” by War on Drugs (ya’ll really need to tune in to that band) if you don’t know them. The entire album is solid.

Feel like I stole a speaker worth three times the price.

I’ll leave it at that given the continuous posts on here.

Beyond blown away....really thankful for an outlet like Audiogon of collaboration to educate fellow audioheads and gather research.


Congrats, wadec76. I have the same speakers and had a similar response when hearing them for the first time. The really good news is that your Double Impacts are going to get better still after you get a couple hundred hours on them, maybe even a lot better. Mine did.

Happy listening!
Excellent,I’m glad your enjoying them and Walter is correct.
Give them about 150 to 200 hrs for the mids and woofers to loosen up and the caps in the crossovers to settle in.

Keep is updated and enjoy that music,

Nice to hear of your experience with the Class A amp and those DI's. As others have said, Tekton's are not broken in at the factory - they need quite a number of hours for the bass response especially to come into it's own. But it sounds like you are in for a wonderful journey with those speakers!