Just Received my Zero One Mercury Today

Can't wait to get home and play around with it. I have a custom unit with 750 GB of storage - which is enough for about 1100 CDs uncompressed! I also ordered it with a digital input so that when the next great player format arives (or I decide to digitize my albums) I can input bits to the HD from another source (provided Zero One updates the software to allow me to do so).
Question for all those who have either a Ti48 or a Mercury - what have you found to be the best settings for the following parameters:
Word Length
Upsampling frequency
Dither Options

Showing 2 responses by mitch4t

Answer to my own question: I went to the Zero One website and checked the prices. Seems reasonable. This is one unit I will seriously consider.

If it is as good as advertised, I would replace my one-box player for it.