Just received my new Dynaudio Contour 60i in walnut

Folks, just reporting in that out of the box these are just stellar, and I imagine they will only get better. Wonderful mids, smooth tweeters and gripping bass. Clarity is amazing. As an aside, I had doubts whether my little Naim SN3 could adequately drives these beasts, but I am very pleasantly surprised; the SN3 is punching well above its fighting weight! I am happy to field questions as I know several members have the big new Dyns on order or are considering them. Happy listening amigos.

Showing 1 response by hilroy48

I ha a set of Contour 20i speakers, i loved them and felt they were going to be my end game speaker. Then my dealer made me a trade deal on his Demo Confidence 20's. These will be my end game speaker now. The confidence series is a next level speaker to say the least. They certainly love Class A amps.