Just Rec'd the OPPO DVD player today

having sold my Denon 5900 over the weekend in order to downsize an home office video system, I ordered the Oppo Dvd player....

first impressions, this was not really a downsize, the Oppo has amazing picture quality, and the audio (I am using COAX out of the OPPO into a Timbre TT1 DAC) is equally impressive.

they appear to be backordered for new units, so I picked up a Refurb unit at 20% off or $160. ...this thing has to be the biggest steal on the market.

FYI< they do currently have additional Refurbs available now ..
Yes, please respond regarding the audio quality. I have a seperate CD player for CD's but would be using the OPPO for concert DVD's etc and need good audio. Would be nice to save $$$ on this player and reaply it toward a projector.

I know the OPPO is new but anybody know who could mod the audio section?
I run the OPPO through a 2 channel DAC (Timbre TT1) so I can't comment on the audio section. I have noticed the video section is not quite as good as the Denon 5900. However @ $160, still a great deal.
I have an Oppo and use a DVI output to my tv. This is the ultimate connection. I sold a Denon 2900 and the Oppo beats it in video quality. However, it is rather flimsy but for the price the picture is excellant.
I have had the Oppo for less than a year. Then they sent me an updated remote (much better!)which was much needed. I stuck a Dianne Krall dvd-audio in there last night, and the sound was great. I usually listen to cds with my denon 1650 cd player. I don't have the Oppo set up for 6 channel, but I'm going to try it. The audio on h/t is excellent, and although I'm sure the build quality is much less than the 5910,3910, or 2910, so is the price! And the upscale picture is terrific. I use the DVI direct to my Samsung HD 50". $200 bucks!!