Just Rec'd the OPPO DVD player today

having sold my Denon 5900 over the weekend in order to downsize an home office video system, I ordered the Oppo Dvd player....

first impressions, this was not really a downsize, the Oppo has amazing picture quality, and the audio (I am using COAX out of the OPPO into a Timbre TT1 DAC) is equally impressive.

they appear to be backordered for new units, so I picked up a Refurb unit at 20% off or $160. ...this thing has to be the biggest steal on the market.

FYI< they do currently have additional Refurbs available now ..
This is very encouraging. Please let us know if your opinion is still true after you have it for awhile. Is Audio section as good as Denon? I am looking for a backup DVD player myself. Currently has Denon 2900.
Yes, please respond regarding the audio quality. I have a seperate CD player for CD's but would be using the OPPO for concert DVD's etc and need good audio. Would be nice to save $$$ on this player and reaply it toward a projector.

I know the OPPO is new but anybody know who could mod the audio section?
I run the OPPO through a 2 channel DAC (Timbre TT1) so I can't comment on the audio section. I have noticed the video section is not quite as good as the Denon 5900. However @ $160, still a great deal.
I have an Oppo and use a DVI output to my tv. This is the ultimate connection. I sold a Denon 2900 and the Oppo beats it in video quality. However, it is rather flimsy but for the price the picture is excellant.
I have had the Oppo for less than a year. Then they sent me an updated remote (much better!)which was much needed. I stuck a Dianne Krall dvd-audio in there last night, and the sound was great. I usually listen to cds with my denon 1650 cd player. I don't have the Oppo set up for 6 channel, but I'm going to try it. The audio on h/t is excellent, and although I'm sure the build quality is much less than the 5910,3910, or 2910, so is the price! And the upscale picture is terrific. I use the DVI direct to my Samsung HD 50". $200 bucks!!
Toysnob-----at the time I purchased mine, they were backordered on the New units are were only selling Refurbs, their stock may have changed now...

Tickfight---I run mine into a Timbre TT1 outboard DAC, so I am not able to comment about its audio quality,..

as a transport? the thing is pretty flimsy, I would assume there are better choices for use as a transport.
Does anybody see any reason to have separate units for recording and normal playback, or is it fine to use one unit for both tasks (as I suspect it should be, just making sure)?
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Reference Audio Mods is offering a major mod to the Oppo universal player, for whatever that's worth.
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