Just purchased a Belles 150A Reference amp. Watch should my preamp be..

My system is shaping up as follows: VPI classic 1 (JMW 10.5), Dynavector Karat 173D cart, Maxxed Out/Cary SLP-98 or other tube phono stage in 2-3k range, preamp?, Belles 150A reference, Epos m12i speakers. The system is probably too good for the Epos m12's, but I want the flexibility to upgrade those at some point. What preamp should I try to pair with the Belles?
When you are done with that try the Belles Aria Preamp voices well with the Belles power amp and your Cary tube phono hooked into an auxiliary input.
Audio Connection 
Thanks GeorgeHifi and Johnny R, I ended up going with a Belles Aria pre, and just got off the phone with Keith Herron, and am going with Modified Herron VTPH-2 instead of the Kary.
ironclaw1;  Listen to one who knows!  John Rutan of Audio Connection is The MAN.  He set me straight on my whole system.  I have a Rega Apollo-R, with AQ Wind into an Audible Illusions 3A, AQ Wind IC into the Belles 150A Ref amp, AQ Oak Bi-Wire into Vandersteen 2Ce.  This will blow you away in dynamics, soundstage, sweet highs, mellow mids and bolted to the ground -wall shaking BASS!  Regards, Thomas
My suggestion:  one of the  tube/ mosfet hybrids....

There are great sounding preamps in the price range from Belles, VanAlstine and Rogue Audio. 
Can't go wrong with Belles in most situations. I know folks who like their sound 'hot' and others who can't handle that.  The Belles sings in both types of systems as they are kind of a chameleon type of amp. Pretty neutral.