Just moved to an apartment need speaker suggestions

my better half and I just moved into an apartment need speaker suggestions, current speakers are Magnepan 1.6qr with Rythmik f15hp subs x2, need something as engaging as the Maggies but able to play softly, will be driven by a Classe CAP 2100 integrated.  thanks in advance.
Number one criteria i would be looking for is bass presence at low volumes . Keeping volumes low and still getting bass is the key . Active speakers tend to do that well . 
Efficient speakers . Don't  buy inefficient speakers you have to crank up to get room pressurized . 
Isn't bass inherently problematic at low volumes? Fletcher and Munson's experiments in the 1930s showed that people are relatively less sensitive to low and high frequencies at lower volumes. Hence the "loudness" button that used to be prevalent on hi-fi equipment. Dolby Volume includes a much more sophisticated DSP implementation of an equal loudness curve. TacT Audio implemented something similar about 10 years ago. An equal loudness curve always seemed like a good idea to me, and I wish it were more common in modern DSP systems, especially those with microphone measurement. Sonos has a "loudness" button, but presumably it's more like the 1970s-era bass/treble boost rather than something like Dolby Volume. Nevertheless, I sometimes engage it when listening at very low volumes.

your comment about bass presence at low volumes makes good sense to me since the OP did state he will play "softly".

your "efficient speakers" comment however is so general and unsubstantiated that it’s puzzling at best. can you elaborate without using the word "pressurized" unless you want to go to great lengths to explain how longitudinal waves superpose, reflect, diffract and attenuate?

yeah , the op is going to have to play at lower volume , no choice about that .I am not big on recommending particular brands . OP needs to hear and judge for himself . Hundreds of worthy speakers out there . All the less efficient speakers i have owned take larger volumes to wake up the bass . The more efficient speakers less . just my experience .Greater dynamics at lower volumes as well with efficient speakers. I would add finding speakers that do not go down too low as well . You will be less likely to have problems with neighbors .