Just bought Martin Logan Vantage speakers.

I need some feedback since I am new to this. What would be the best receiver to power these speakers. I was thinking of the NAD T785. It is expensive at $3000. Does anyone know of other receivers that are less expensive with power.
I totally upgraded the Vantage Xover which is a huge improvement.I was using a Audyssey plus amplifier and it sounded pretty decent .My brother brought over a Ayon
Triton mk2 for a few hours and WOW it was one of the best
sonic treats I have Ever heard I guess stats love a Great tube amp and the Ayon is for sure one of the best under $20k out there currently this integraded is around $9k with discounts .I am looking to get one after the holidays
it is now hard to listen to SS after hearing the ML Vantage with tubes .
It has been a while but I had a very bad experience with an NAD receiver and then with the difficult process of getting it replaced. That being said, the NAD sound was quite good for a receiver. Someone I know was just telling me how much he loved his NAD integrated and had never had any issues. I would look for an integrated or separates that have the drive needed for your speakers. You should have some good options in your budget range. Maybe MF kW500.
As for me, I'm using Caiyin CS100A integrated amplifier with 6550EH power tube (ultra linear mode).
I feel the Caiyin provide an excellent match with ML Vantage. Smooth and detail mid & high freq. Bass is good and reasonably tight (for a tube amp).

For those of you who are on a Budget and prefer vacuum tube amp to drive the vantage, I think Caiyin CS100A is seriously worth a consideration.