Just another Orange fuse thread

I have noticed that since the Orange fuse was introduced, a few threads have as usual popped up but what is bugging me is that they are closed as soon as they are started. Why is so? Is discussing about fuses so controversial that it gets the same outcome when sex, religion and politics are brought up in internet discussions? Is this because of a few rotten apples/trolls that derail the discussions that those threads are closed? If this is the case, that's very sad. Anyone here care to explain?



Showing 2 responses by oregonpapa

There are those who appreciate art, and those who do not. This applies to the art of music as well.

Millercarbon’s excellent essay above reminded me of a trip I took to the fabulous Getty Museum of Art in Los Angeles. Here, you can see spectacular paintings and sculptures by the true masters of the past.

I was accompanied on the trip with my brother and one of our best childhood friends. My brother and I had to stop and admire each painting, paying close attention to the colors, how the artist played with light, and the subtle brush strokes, and then discuss each painting. We spent several minutes, to even twenty minutes and longer, to admire each work of art. Our friend, on the other hand, could hardly wait to get to the next exhibit, and then on to the food court.

Art has to be appreciated not only with the eyes but with the soul as well. Music is no different, it too, in order to be appreciated to its fullest, must be listened to with the soul. Once that is realized, then we have learned what to listen for.

To the naysayers on this site, all I have to say is ... The food court is out that door, down the hall, and to the left.
