Thanks Jaguar.I have one here now at home to try & I concur even though I now notice sibilance is a little more pronounced as are the t & ch sounds on some disks.None-the-less,I can not keep my toes from tapping which is what it is all about.The Blacksands are supposed to be amongst the best even given their modest price however I may borrow some quality Jungson AC cords & see if the sound improves.I use a sub with mine so the bass is not a issue & what bass they produce is quite tight & well defined.A cheap Jungson cord came with the unit however it looked like the usual Wall Mart throw in so I did not bother with it.
I see Roy has abandoned this wonderful cabinet because of the cost of producing it.The new Eos line is intriging but retrograde in the WAF dept.Roy is a genius when it comes to speaker design albeit one has to be a audiophile to handle how most of these speakers look.He is just a joy to deal with & has been very helpful during my initial set up problems. I briefly owned a pair of Harbeth Monitor 30 & the Callistos blew them away in terms of midrange clarity & soundstage et al.The Harbeths were good in that even my poorly recorded CDs were passable & the Seas Excel tweeter is my all time favorite although I have not heard the Dynaudio Esotar2. Anyway,I am rambling.
Kelowna B.C.
I see Roy has abandoned this wonderful cabinet because of the cost of producing it.The new Eos line is intriging but retrograde in the WAF dept.Roy is a genius when it comes to speaker design albeit one has to be a audiophile to handle how most of these speakers look.He is just a joy to deal with & has been very helpful during my initial set up problems. I briefly owned a pair of Harbeth Monitor 30 & the Callistos blew them away in terms of midrange clarity & soundstage et al.The Harbeths were good in that even my poorly recorded CDs were passable & the Seas Excel tweeter is my all time favorite although I have not heard the Dynaudio Esotar2. Anyway,I am rambling.
Kelowna B.C.