Jungson JA-88D a.k.a CA-2801A

I am wondering about the sonic qualities of this superbly executed & well built Class A design. How does it sound & what does it compare to? Is it sensitive to AC cords,IC,speaker cables and/or power conditioners?

Thanks in advance,


PS..I am running all top of the line DH Labs IC & speaker wire, Blacksand Violet Z1 cords & Green Mountain Callistos speakers.On the front end I have the new Level 2 modded Shanling CD3000 with the switched out clock for improved jitter figures.

Showing 1 response by jaguar

I am currently using a JA-88D in my office system. Interestingly enough, I have it hooked to a pair of GMA Callistos. This is a fabulous combination. You already know how good the Callistos are. The Jungson really makes them sing. The sound is very rich with a full with a life-like soundstage. Excellent detail yet quite musical. Even though this integrated is fully class A, it's a tad shy in the bass dept. The Callistos aren't known for deep, pounding bass anyway. I have also heard the 120 watt class A-B Jungson integrated with the Callistos. With the additional power, the bass response improved, it maintained good detail and soundstage but lost a bit of the rich musicality the 88D has. It loves upgraded p/cords. I'm currently using a Dream State Deep Dream with it and I'm very pleased. I also use a VansEvers line conditioner. You will find the 88D responsive to any and all additions. It does get quite warm however being fully class A. This integrated is a true winner. I think you would be quite surprised what it can do. I would gladly get another one or really, any Jungson product.