Jumpers - how long is long enough

This question relates to the jumpers found on speakers with Bi-wire terminals

Most people agree that most of the jumpers provided should be replaced.

But how long should the new jumpers be?

A fellow audiophile who has spent some time investigating this recommends at least 50 cm
- he also recommends the neutral be of a larger gauge and 70cm in length

I have no reason to doubt his observations, because he is extremely thorough with his research and I have also found his observations to be beneficial..

I was just wondering if anyone else had similar findings they would like to share on this topic

Regards - Steve

Showing 2 responses by nonoise

I prefer the sound of solid over stranded in my cabling. If you liked the sound of the sturdy copper foil, then stay with solid.

All the best,
The jumpers that I use for my JBL 4319s are about 7", tip of spade to tip of spade, or about 17.78cm., and they work fine, and better than the stock jumpers.

All then best,