jukebox w. DAC, can it be good?

I am now setting up the music system. I Should end up with a C Johnson pv 12 and C J SS. Don't cringe, I'd like to use a jukebox CD as a transport and couple it with a DAC. I haven't used a DAC before, so this is new territory for me. The WAF pushes the Jukebox thing. Can we get 'good' (not approaching perfect) sound out of this arrangement. Any suggestions for products. I'd prefer to go used for the DAC
Thanks, Martin

Showing 1 response by edesilva

I was also thinking along this line and started wondering how one manages 400+ CDs--Kthomas, how can you figure out what to listen to with 1200?? Its mindboggling to me why they can put extensive brainpower in a Apple iPod, but can't seem to figure out a reasonable interface to create playlists and things for a CD jukebox...

I want my CD jukebox to talk to CDDB on the internet and download track titles. I then want to be able to arrange them in playlists rationally.

Anyone ever play with the Slink-E and DJ software from Nirvis (www.nirvis.com)? The only problem with going this route seems to be that you suddenly need a computer in the room too...