Judy Sill???

Okay ... listening to BBC-6 Music (interview with Andy Partridge), and he recommends/plays a song by a folk artist called Judy Sill. Apparently she had two albums in the early '70s, then shuffled off her mortal coil before basking in her glory. Also, she apparently wrote a track for The Turtles

The played track was "Sweet Communion of a Kiss" and it was terrific. AP compared her to a female Brian Wilson ...

Anyway, I've tried to dig up any CD's by her - and none to be found on the web anyway (she only mustered up 68 hits on Google).

Does anyone have any interesting tidbits of information on her, and/or know if her back catalog has been released on any CD labels?

I'll post a link to the Tom Robinson evening sequence for those of you who are actually interested in hearing her... Great voice and songwriting skills.
Okay ... Tom Robinson show is now available for replay HERE. Use the Fast Forward 5 min/15 min buttons to forward through the show.

You can catch the Andy Partridge interview. His introduction to the song appears at the 20:03:30 mark of the show... The song itself ("The Kiss") is at the 20:04:47 mark. The link will be valid until next Tuesday (at about 4:30 pm).
Whoops ... my bad. Turns out her name is spelled JudEE Sill, and there are a few more hits on her name (and the song is simply called "The Kiss").

A California folkie who died an untimely death in 1979 (OD'd), and somewhat of a cult figure. Early release were on Asylum? Covered by Warren Zevon ("Jesus Was a Crossmaker"). Worked with early figures in the So-Cal rock scene.

Apparently her two releases were re-issued by Rhino in a limited (5000 pressing) edition. Anyway - I'll still paste the link to the TR show for those curious to hear her. I was knocked out...