Judy Sill???

Okay ... listening to BBC-6 Music (interview with Andy Partridge), and he recommends/plays a song by a folk artist called Judy Sill. Apparently she had two albums in the early '70s, then shuffled off her mortal coil before basking in her glory. Also, she apparently wrote a track for The Turtles

The played track was "Sweet Communion of a Kiss" and it was terrific. AP compared her to a female Brian Wilson ...

Anyway, I've tried to dig up any CD's by her - and none to be found on the web anyway (she only mustered up 68 hits on Google).

Does anyone have any interesting tidbits of information on her, and/or know if her back catalog has been released on any CD labels?

I'll post a link to the Tom Robinson evening sequence for those of you who are actually interested in hearing her... Great voice and songwriting skills.

Showing 2 responses by regiolanthe

Whoops ... my bad. Turns out her name is spelled JudEE Sill, and there are a few more hits on her name (and the song is simply called "The Kiss").

A California folkie who died an untimely death in 1979 (OD'd), and somewhat of a cult figure. Early release were on Asylum? Covered by Warren Zevon ("Jesus Was a Crossmaker"). Worked with early figures in the So-Cal rock scene.

Apparently her two releases were re-issued by Rhino in a limited (5000 pressing) edition. Anyway - I'll still paste the link to the TR show for those curious to hear her. I was knocked out...
Okay ... Tom Robinson show is now available for replay HERE. Use the Fast Forward 5 min/15 min buttons to forward through the show.

You can catch the Andy Partridge interview. His introduction to the song appears at the 20:03:30 mark of the show... The song itself ("The Kiss") is at the 20:04:47 mark. The link will be valid until next Tuesday (at about 4:30 pm).