jrdg concerto vs nuforce 9.02

Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!

Showing 2 responses by whipsaw

I can't speak to the Nuforce, but do I own an earlier version of the Concerto (the Concentra), and it is far and away the best SS integrated amp I have owned. Obviously system synergy is a very big factor, so you might get some better answers if you listed your associated equipment. With my Concentra, I am using Green Mountain Audio Callisto speakers, an Audio Aero Prima CD player and an Audio research CD3, and a vintage Accuphase tuner. I also run my (two channel) home theater through the amp.

Aside from sound quality, the Rowland is the single best made component I have owned. The quality of construction and attention to detail are both remarkable. It's also worth considering that the sound can be taken to another level by running a truly balanced source into the balanced XLR's in the Rowland.

Hope this helps a bit.


I have heard the Concerto, but not in my own system, so it is very hard to compare to my Concentra. I did do some research before buying my Concentra, and (predictably) found differing opinions. The people at JRDG believe that the Concerto is a big step forward, but of course (with due respect) they need to sell the new version in order to make money. Some of those who have heard both (including a couple of dealers with whom I spoke) don't believe that the sonic differences are great, and a couple actually preferred the sound of the earlier (Concentra) models.

Two things are certain: the Concerto is smaller and runs cooler (using "Ice Power" chips) than the Concentra.

I, like most other Concentra owners, am so happy with the amp that I simply can't imagine there being enough of a sonic difference to justify the added expenditure.
