Journey ending speakers

Listening to to my  stereo last night thinking about what upgrade I may do in the future. May upgrade my CD player or change phono cart or a new arm? But one of the things I will never change is my speakers. My journey has ended with the speakers I have now. Are you like me and have your forever speakers? Oh mine are a set of 30 year old 4 way JBL  Studio Monitors 4345s.

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Acoustat 2+2 electrostatics, built in 1984. I first heard them in a boutique hifi store 30 years ago when I was in my early 20s, and dreamed of owning them for a long time. Purchased a pair six years ago, updated the caps, and I haven't found anything better for my listening room/ears. I've been through half a dozen different amps to drive them, and will probably continue to look for the best match. I've heard plenty of very good speakers since, but nothing that presents music for me like the 2+2s.