Journey ending speakers

Listening to to my  stereo last night thinking about what upgrade I may do in the future. May upgrade my CD player or change phono cart or a new arm? But one of the things I will never change is my speakers. My journey has ended with the speakers I have now. Are you like me and have your forever speakers? Oh mine are a set of 30 year old 4 way JBL  Studio Monitors 4345s.

Showing 1 response by andolink

I'm another older guy approaching 60 and now have the speakers I'll very likely finish out with:  Dynaudio Confidence C1 Mk II's.

I went from pretty good floor standers (PSB Imagine T's) to the superb Dynaudio stand-mounted monitors late last year after spending several years being amazed by the extremely high resolution + extremely low distortion of my HiFiMan HE-500 planar-magnetic headphone rig.  I decided to try to find loudspeakers that could give me close to that level of accuracy and clarity (with the true-to-life soundstaging only speakers can provide) and I think I've gotten as close to that as I'm going to get with the Dyn's.