Joule Electra VZN 100 Need help

Not sure this is the venue to post this tale of woe but I'm in desperation mode.

I upgraded the power cables on these wonderful amps and managed to mis-wire one of the cables. These amps are NOT easy to work on.

Looking for some other VZN100 owners who could shed some light.

Yes I've written Joule (Jud) but got no help as yet.

It's very quiet around here...

Has to be one of the dumbest mistakes I've made in 56 years.

Showing 3 responses by marakanetz

Send me the internal photographs. If you find someone with 'untouched' amps ask them to send photographs too.
Your photos can be handy even if you refer to manufacturer that more likely would ask you to send both units.
Does that mean you were changing captive poercords??