Joshua Tree

Turned out the lights and wanted to enjoy one of my favorite all time CD's Joshua Tree..aarrrgh! Time to update the one 1 bought in 1987, cant take the quality of the recording. Browsed thru amazon and saw the Gold Original Master Recording starting at 195.00!!!, up to 350.00 for a new one. I love this CD and am crazy enough to shell out the dough but is it a big improvement over the original release? Are there any other versions similar to the Master but cost less? Thanks!

Showing 1 response by freediver

Greetings.Absolutely the best mix of this classic is the Jap.pressing.I'm worried I'll wear mine out soon!Just a side note so I can gloat a little,April 4th 1987, Sun Devil Stadium,Tempe Az.O.M.F.G.I WILL NEVER forget that concert,the first time I saw BB King live!Oh man when that video chopper droped down in the middle of the stadium,hovering about 1oo' over our heads,rotating 360dgs.F@#*ing UNREAL!!!