Joseph Speakers

Hi. Anyone out there heard both RM25XL and PERSPECTIVE 2 speakers? If so, was there any "WOW factor" when you heard the PERSPECTIVES or was it "well they sound better than the 25XL (but no WOW)".




Showing 1 response by soix

I’ve heard both in different systems, so take that FWIW.  The Perspectives are more full range, but IME they both display the same wonderful sound characteristics of the JA crossover.  If I’m on a budget, I could easily live with the RM25XL, and you’d have plenty of budget left to add a couple good subs that will give you true full-range speakers that’d I’d bet would give the Perspectives a good challenge on the cheap.  Yes, the Perspectives, especially the Perspective 2s, are likely superior.  But for my $, the RM25XLs with a couple good subs dialed in correctly would be a great and cheap alternative that’d give them more more than a run for their money.  Just my $0.02 FWIW.