Joseph Audio Pulsars with REL Sub or Perspectives in 11x11 Room?

I am a big Joseph Audio fan since the RM22's . . . Always have loved the house sound.  I am currently running Pulsars on Sound Anchor stands with a REL Storm sub in a small listening room; only 11 x 11 x 11.  I have an opportunity to upgrade to a set of Perspectives.  Can any of you Perspective owners give me some quick thoughts on whether the Perspectives would be too much for such a small listening room?  The loudest that I really listen to them is measured at about 86db at my chair, very rarely more than 90 db.  I run them with a PrimaLuna Dialogue HP (75 watts) or a Plinius SA100 MK III.  Some quick input would be appreciated!

Showing 1 response by paul79

""Mine are about 2 feet off the wall with 2’x4’ 2inch thick absorption panels behind.""
This was the exact setup I had with my Perspectives when I had them. Worked very well. However, the Pulsar is a little monster, and may even satisfy you without subs. A friend of mine has the Pulsar 2 Graphene's. I can't believe how amazing those are. Big, rich, deep bass. Just incredible.