Joni Mitchell Blue - Wow help me Agoners

I just got this CD and I love the honesty and emotion of it. Her voice is wonderful. I have some of her newer ones, but her voice and her raw emotion are so much better on Blue.

The recording is a little thin and wonder if there is a better version out there? Where do I get it? Last, can you Joni fans tell me which other albums are like Blue. I want to buy more of her stuff, but want the emotion, voice and style of Blue.

I know I should be more familiar with Blue as I am 44, but I just played it for the first time today. Now this is art!

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In addition to everything mentioned above, especially that you need to get BLUE on lp, give a listen to Dog Eat Dog, Night Ride Home, and expecially try her 2 cd remake of some of her best work which is captured on TRAVELOGUE.
Robm321, I have Blue on CD also but the qualilty of the sound of it does not come very close to that of my stereo LP and I purchased my LP originally when it was first released(so it has a lot of miles on it). I find the CD rather harsh to Mitchell's wide-ranging voice. It is, however, still quite good and I would not be without it. However, I would like to know more about your CD if you find it reference material because this is an all-time favorite recording for me and I like the "travelability" and convenience of CD. I am also going to look for the English version that someone in this thread mentioned above. I bet that format sounds even purer. Thanks