Joni Mitchell Blue - Wow help me Agoners

I just got this CD and I love the honesty and emotion of it. Her voice is wonderful. I have some of her newer ones, but her voice and her raw emotion are so much better on Blue.

The recording is a little thin and wonder if there is a better version out there? Where do I get it? Last, can you Joni fans tell me which other albums are like Blue. I want to buy more of her stuff, but want the emotion, voice and style of Blue.

I know I should be more familiar with Blue as I am 44, but I just played it for the first time today. Now this is art!

Showing 1 response by qdrone

I remember my Mom told me she went to a garage sale around 15 years ago and bought some records for me. Well my Mom is always buying stuff that I don't want anyway as she says it's the stuff you like. I said ok went over and there was Blue and the first Neil Young album Original Pressings in Mint + and my mouth started watering. Bless her heart,and this LP has been a reference recording,and Record to die for in both Stereophile and Absolute Sound for as long as I can remember. It's because of the vocals. Love you Mom.