Jolida JD-100A Tube Rolling

I recently added a JD-100A to my system and am wondering if any of your experiences were similar to mine. Out of the box this unit had about 15hrs on it, so it was basically new. I found the sound to warm, but very blurry in the details and imaging. Seeing all of the very positive posts about this unit, decided that I needed to allow more burn-in time for both me and the CDP and I'm very glad that I did. Even with the stock Jolida/WhateverTheStockTubesAre tubes, it really opened up to sound amazingly live with some of the detail coming back - Diana Krall "Only Trust Your Heart" became an amazing recording (recorded in live 2-track).

Deciding to start rolling tubes, I bought a pair of GE Triple Mica 5751's and immediately noticed a dramatic increase in detail - my wife woke up from a nap to comment on how much clearer the sounds were. I could hear Karen Carpenter's lip smacks on "A Song for You". But with this added detail, feel that a lot of the warmth of the stock tubes was gone.

I'd be very interested in any other experiences.



PS - Have a pair of Sylvania 12AX7A's in transit.

Showing 5 responses by russtom

Thanks Newbee. The Jolida is my first piece of tubed gear. I'm trying to do the HT/HiFi thing with more of a slant toward the HiFi. I have a B&K Ref 50, B&K 200.5 Amp, Philips DVD-963SA(unmodded), Klipsch Center and Sub for the HT, Spica TC-50's L/R and the Jolida. I'll take a look for the Yugo EI's. Being that I'm all SS except for the Jolida may have something to do with the atypical results I got from the GE 5751 triple micas.
Thanks Distortion for the descriptions. I think you're right about the system dependence - at least tubes are a lot cheaper than most of the other components to roll. :) I'll just save up all the tubes I roll to re-roll them when I change out other components.

As for the Jolida vs. the Philips, there is no comparison whatsoever. I was very excited as the Philips arrived, anticipating great redbook sounds to boot along with getting a good DVD/SACD - my last CDP is a Sony CDP-520ESII from the late 80's. I started playing various favorite CDs and was very disappointed. I actually found the sounds more pallatable with upsampling turned off, but not impressive. Then I played a burn-in disc for a few days with no great improvement. A few months earlier friend brought over his Rotel RCD1070 and that was an impressive improvement that I could hear from another room.

After this, I purchased a Channel Islands DAC and P/S. This was a noticeable improvement. I found tweaks for the CI that I could do, but found that by the time I was finished, I could buy another player. I started looking for a Ah Tjoeb that's when I saw all of the positive posts about the Jolida. Although the CI DAC sounds a lot better than the Philips, doing A/B comparisons between the Jolida DAC vs. the CI, there is no comparison. A lot of it is probably my new found love for the tube sound. I'm going to start tweaking the Philips now to improve the general performance to improve DVD and SACD performance, but don't anticipate the same sound although I'm sure improvements will occur. The two weeks that I've owned the Jolida, I've not listened to any SACD's if that says anything.

I'd better stop, I'm changing the focus of my own thread.
Thanks, I'll check out the other thread. Did you buy your player upgraded or did you get it upgraded afterward? My player is stock, but I've been looking at doing the upgrades. If you did buy it stock, I'd be interested in hearing about the sonic changes after the changes and what changes you had done. Some of the changes look pretty easy to DIY, so I'll probably start there.
Thanks for the recommendations and comments about the GE trips. I was looking into dampers too. I feel like I'm going to break something one day taking those covers on and off for tube-rolling.
Thanks. I just think that after doing this quite a few times I'll probably fatigue the area of the board around there. My bases are already a little looser on the PCB than when I first got the player - not a big deal, just trying to keep it like-new.