Jolida Fx10

Last week I purchased the Jolida FX10, not knowing what to expect I was skeptical that this 10wpc integrated tube amp was going to sound so superb. I paired the amp with PSB B25 speakers rated at 91bd efficiency and I wow the sound is practically magical. What a nice little amp and for the price of under $500 wow, great deal!
I'm really enjoying the FX10 and the only thing that has bugged me was that the blue LEDs under all the tubes seemed incredibly bright, overwhelming the real glow of the tubes with an unnatural electric blue color and really lighting up the room.

I pulled all the tubes and put two coats of deep red fingernail polish on the tip of each LED in the recessed center of the tube socket. Worked perfectly. It cut down the brightness by about 2/3 so that it matches the orange tube glow much better and changed the color to a soft bluish-purple that looks very much like the glow you get with some tubes.

If you try it, make sure the first coat is completely dry before applying the second or it will turn into a sticky mess, a lesson I learned with doing the same thing to a Peachtree Decco.
It was perhaps the best sound value I heard today at Capital Audio Fest. Very nice looking unit and the sound on small Nola speakers caught a lot of ears! I am tempted to try one in my second system.
I purchased some Sylvania JAN 6BQ5's and put them in my FX10. I am fairly new to tubes, but they don't look the same when the amp is running. On a couple of them I can see some red glow on the plate on one side or the other. It's fairly small. One tube had this glow was much brighter and larger.

Is that normal?

I also bought 2 Telefunkin preamp tubes (12AX7's). they look like the JJ Teslas I took out.

Also mine came upgraded with JJ tubes. The stock EH's are sitting there as back up.