Jolida Fusion DAC/transport: opinions or other DAC/transport alternatives?

Hi all,
I've been looking for a CD player with a little future proofing thrown in (in the way of digital inputs). I have many CDs that I'd like to keep for critical listening sessions, but would like to run a USB or toslink from my imac for access to my digital library for convenience sake.

The Jolida Fusion DAC/transport caught my interested but I can find nothing in the way of information or reviews (save for one). I like the tube idea, but it's not mandatory. I've used a couple of Shanling tubed CD players in the past with good success.

Other player/DACS I've researched but ruled out include the Cambridge Audio Azur 851C, (most seem to agree this is a very analytical sound, and not one I would enjoy), and the Rega Saturn R. The Marantz SA8005 looks good on paper, but again, I've heard it's sound can be a little analytical and sterile.

I'd welcome recommendations for other units in the $2k or less range that can handle optical or USB in.
there's a PrimaLuna Prologue Premium CD player/DAC w/USB that came up for sell that I'm drooling over.. fits your description perfectly.. i can't afford it right now... maybe you ? then let me know what you think ??
Thanks for the heads up on the PrimaLuna. I would have certainly made an offer on that piece had I not already ordered the Yamaha unit. Timing is everything I suppose. Grrrr.

yakbob, this may be a little late, but I thought I would add my experience. I have owned the Fusion/Transport for a year and I am very pleased. I also wanted something that I could ease into computer audio. I had the opportunity to audition a $4000 Naim cd player, and in my system the Jolida was better in detail, overall resolution and dare I say less digital sounding. Jolida also offers 2 levels of upgrades if you are so inclined. System is Spectral amp/preamp, Ayre phono preamp, VPI analog and Avalon speakers.
Thanks for the additional input runner. I think I would have been happy with the Jolida Fusion and did have some great coorespondance with one of their dealers. I will seek a demo of this unit in the near future to satisfy my "what if" curiosity.

For now, the Yamaha I purchased has landed and is singing along in my system. So far, I'm impressed, but cannot give a detailed review on the sound until my main amp comes back from repair. I'm getting by with a $150 craigslist "backup" amp which is muddy sounding and really bass heavy.

Operationally, the cd-s2100 is a beauty. Its nice to see a big name in the mid-fi/ home theater market get serious about audio again.

The Jolida is a fine, well built, great sounding player. The Jolida FX DAC DSD is a great DAC. The discontinued CD player JD100A was great. And still sought after. But it was just a CD player. The digital inputs are great to have.