Jolida Fusion 3502S vs. Jolida Fusion 801

  I would appreciate comments from anyone who is familiar with both the Jolida Fusion 3502S and the Jolida Fusion 801. Thank you.
Don’t know if this thread is still active, but anyway an update of my previous post is necessary... just to share my experiences with  some tube combos that sound great in the Jolida 3502c.  As with any tube amp, this one “likes” some tubes more than others, and the “sinergy” between the input and the driver tubes is absolutely critical for sound quality.  

As I said, I found that the vintage 5751s black plates triple mica, either GE, Sylvania or RCA sound splendid in this amp, even  above my fancy Mullards or Amperex 12AX7.  I tought that the 12AT7s were not as important, but I was wrong.  The vintage  Brimars 13d9 (a special quality 12AT7) can be had for about $ 20 each,  and are vastly superior to anything I tried...I mean, combined with the 5751s your Jolida will sound magical.  All this with the standard and quite good EH EL34s.

Currently running  new KT150s for a few hours, great tubes of course, but I feel they need a good burn in to reach their full potential.  No opinion yet.   However, the Genalex Gold Lion KT77s, driven by the above mentioned combo sounded so damm good that the bar is really high...
I'm a recent convert to Gold Lion KT77s having used all the other KTs...GL and Sovtek 88s, 120s, 150s, all sounding great in my old Jolida (and all used at some point my current amp), but in the little Dennis Had "SEP" amp I now use the GL 77s are amazingly good and are staying in there. I tried a pair of JJ KT77s and they sucked, but the Gold Lions are utterly different and stellar.
Hi, WG.  Very interesting, I did not experienced all the “other” KTs but went from EL34s to GL KT77s and they were  good from the start, but  the sound steadily improved with use, and after  a good burn in I have to agree with you:  these are simply exceptional tubes.   Not only in the standard categories of good bass, mids or highs (which they have) but in their superbly linear  and musical presentation .  

Difficult  to describe, after rolling a lot of pre and driver tubes in the 3502c, (in integrated mode) while  in power amp mode doing the same with my nice FA Euforia preamp,  (and I mean top notch vintage TFKs and  Mullards with this one) the GLs were revealing of every nuance...even from the 12AT7s drivers.  That’s why I strongly suggest the Brimars.  Fantastic sinergy with the KT77s.  But the exotic E180CC...come on baby,  pure and unrestricted triode sweetness.  

as for the preamp tubes- i sell Jolida / Black Ice Audio gear. I have found that Gold Lion gold pin 12at7 tubes add some bass, and Tungsol gold pin 12ax7 tubes seem to be better than the Gold Lion gold pin 12ax7 tubes. More clarity in the upper end. Also found that Tungsol EL34B tubes are great. Those really add some bottom end. And Tungsol tubes are reliable and last. If ever interested in Black Ice Audio / Jolida Audio gear let me know. Mention Audigon forums for a good deal. 
Getting a Jolida Fusion 3502P Power Amplifier soon and while I’m not into Ch-Fi, it’s designed and assembled here in the U.S. but the boards are built overseas to my knowledge.

How’s the build quality/reliability over time ? I know they are Black Ice now and Jim Fosgate was involved in both Jolida & Fosgate. I can’t afford name brand Tube Amps at this moment and am steering clear of the crazy name brand Chi-Fi being spewed upon YouTube and Magazines.

I know there’s been a Jolida knock off company that’s been mentioned in the forums but the Amplifier I’m getting is assembled here. Why are they all of a sudden distancing themselves from their own Jolida brand ?

So long as they Warranty any issues, and it’s taken care of here in the U.S. ,I’m good.

To any Jolida Amp owners out there. Please let me know your thoughts.