Jolida CDP question

I have owned a Jolida JD100 with a level 1 mod for about 8 months. I read many threads about the Jolida here on Agon before my purchase as well as after. In my system, it sounds rich and warm with good tonal balance, but lacks detail and emotion big time! I'd have to say kind or boring if you will.

Prior to buying the Jolida, I had a somewhat decent solid state upsampling dac and transport. The SS dac was definately on the bright side and had very little warmth. However, it had incredible detail, was unbelievably transparent, and was very exciting to listen to. Transparency seems virtually non-existent with the Jolida. The purchase of the Jolida was an attempt to capture some warmth, and it did! but, the sacrifices appear immense.

In my 8 months of ownership these are some of the things I have done to remedy the situation without success. I have bought to date about $1,200.00 in different matched tubes(one pair at a time). These include all of the recommended NOS tubes and many many more. I have also tried some different interconnects, and power cords. The best results were with Audience Au24 IC's, Guerrilla Audio Power cable, and a pair of tubes I bought here an Agon that are not in anyones list of tubes to try, but are the best on the planet.

I am driving Innersound Eros hybrid electrostats, which includs the bass amp for the low frequencies, and are using Monarchy Audio SE-100 deluxe SS monoblocks to drive the stators. I used this same combination of speakers and amps when I had my SS source gear.

So I'm not sure if anyone can help. Seems like the characteristics I'm experiencing with the Jolida are etched in stone. In any case, if anyone has any recommendations on fixes or different players, please let me know. Thanks..

Showing 5 responses by kehut

I have to agree with Arthur somewhat. Both in the fact that although the Jolida is not as transparent, detailed and resolving as other higher priced players, it is also about as warm and emotional sounding as you will find from a digital device.

Modded players will tend to make this player more SS in sound. Many have said this before in the theads and my listening to a fully modded level 2 bears this out. What I heard in increased dynamics and bass, I was horrified at the loss of warmth and sweetness in the upper mids and highs, and the narrowing of the soundstage. Your level 1 mod surely is not as pronounced, but still changes the midrange of the JD's sound.

In my system, which runs all tubes, what the Jolida may lack in terms of detail, it makes up for with its warm and textural presentation. Synergy is key, and often times not all the gear works together to get that mix of emotional conection to the music.

It must truly be dissapointing to have spent a small fortune rolling tubes in and out of the JD.and still not get what you want.

I wish I were able to recommend another player, but aside from my former Wadia transport and Electrocompaniet 24/192 DAC that had better dynamics and higher resolution and focus, yet was not as warm and engaging a sound as the lowly Jolida player..I have no real answers to offer.

I did find ( after much rolling like yourself) that the best tube for the JD in my system was a pair of Cryo'd Ei ECC-83 Gray plates from ATSI. This tube blows every NOS tube.. Mullard Cv4004. Brimar, Amperex and all the 5751's Sylvania's, RCA's and Raytheon's out of the water with a GIANT increase in transparency while keeping the midrange magic of the JD. Depth and soundstage are wide open and deep and sound remarkable from this tube.Much smoother highs are very apparent over the non cryo'd tube.

I suggest you try a pair of these for $39.00 a pair, as a last resort, and then decide if you should throw in the towel. Another suggestion would be to think about a switch to tube amps perhaps and see if that does the trick. You have a great system, but need to find the right mix to bring the emotion and transparency in the same room. Sorry I could not be more helpfull.

Best of luck--Ken
Chazz..Its all good! yeah, your probably right. Everyone has a different story to tell thats for sure. It does get old after awhile. We should just stay off the damn computer and enjoy our systems! But now Im looking for a SET integrated to try that wont cost an arm and 2 legs!

Be well,
Guys....ATSI (Advatage Tubes Services) located in Lake Worth, Florida. (509) 696-7736. The site is

Go to "catalogue" and click on the Red highlighted "Cryo'd" tubes section.

I dont remember honestly how I found them..but Ive used them for their cryo'd 6n23eb 6922 type in my ARC PH3SE with excellent results as well. I love what the cryo process does for the tubes.

Your most welcome. Hope all works out in the end. Ive heard the Eros Hybrids at my local dealer some years back. One of the most neutral and pleasing speakers I had heard to date. They were run with Clayton 100 Monos.

BTW...The ATSI number I gave was the FAX # by mistake...the Phone is:
